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this works are handmade with Love and care by, Marina
Diese Karte ist 12,5 cm of 12,5 cm groß, measured 7" on 7".

Rentier ausgestickt mit meine Pfaff Creative Maschine.

Hintergrundfarbe mit Memento Inkt und Billiance dew drops.
Papier gestanzt mit der Martha Stewart Punch, arount the page.

2 Kommentare:

  1. oh wow this is simply stunning gosh amazing art work hugs cherylxxxxx

  2. Marino thank you for visiting my blog:) Your work is amazing:) I also will frequent visitor to your blog! Regarts Monika


Many thanks for visiting my Blog, enjoy!
I'm so grateful you are taking the time to leave me a comment. Heartfelt thanks!
Big HUGS from Marina

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